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Up-to-Date System Information:

Problems saving files to warehouse shares

posted 11/9/2015 1:55:58 PM
closed 11/23/2015 11:00

Who is affected?

A user who is dissallowed all access to a parent directory in a warehouse share will be unable to rename files in a child directory of that parent directory. This may manifest as an inability to save files directly in the directory from Microsoft Word and Excel with an error stating "Document not saved" or "File too large for destination device".


Problems saving files to warehouse shares

Systems Involved:



  • Save the file locally, then drag it to the directory on warehouse.
  • Have whoever manages file permissions on the share grant at least "List folder contents" permission on the parent directory to the affected user or AD group. To make these changes easier to revert later, and prevent unwanted access to unintended files
    • When setting NTFS permissions, use the "Advanced" button
    • Set "Applies To:" to "This Folder Only"
    • Select "List folder contents" from Basic Permissions, this will also select "Read & Execute" and "Read"


11/23/2015 10:52:00 AM:
Storage cluster patch was successfully installed over systems time 2015/11/22. Workarounds should no longer be needed when using Warehouse/UW-Bulk/Studentfiles shares.

11/20/2015 3:10:06 PM:
EMC has sent me a patch, I will be installing it on our test Isilon shortly. Installation on production may be delayed until systems time depending on wether the patch requires a reboot or not.

11/18/2015 8:09:05 AM:
EMC patch has entered QA, and should be available for installation late this week, or early next week.

11/13/2015 3:59:45 PM:
2015/11/13 16:00 - Bug report was escalated to Vendor's Engineering 2015/11/10 and a patch is being developed. However no ETA for the patch is available at this time.

11/13/2015 10:20:35 AM:
Updated NTFS workaround with additional details.

11/13/2015 8:31:59 AM:
Update from EMC 2015/11/10 16:43: ****************************************************** Timetable - Action plan and ownership ****************************************************** Escalated to Engineering Setting Next Customer Contact Time to 11-13-2015 21:30:00 EST, if this is unacceptable please let me know.

11/13/2015 8:16:05 AM:
2015/11/13 08:00 - No Update

Problem Resolution: 

IT personnel are investigating the problem. No estimated time for correction of the problem is currently available.

Information Technology apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please contact your departmental consultant, call the Help Desk at 766-HELP (4357), option 1, or send an email to the Help Desk ( if you have any questions.


Priority Levels:

High -- (affects a majority of campus and/or applications used by a majority of campus) – updated hourly

Medium -- (affects a substantial portion of campus and/or applications used by them) – Updated every 2 hours

Low -- (affects or minimal portion of campus and/or has minimal impact on applications used on campus) – Updated every 4 hours

None -- (minimal to no urgency associated with resolving the incident/event) – Will update when resolved.

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