Information Technology Hot Pages
Scheduled System Maintenance and Upgrades
Computing resources may not be available during the following times and Scheduled System Times due to equipment/software upgrades and maintenance.
Emergency System Maintenance, 1/23/09: WyoCast Brief Service Interruption at 12 Noon
posted 2/23/2009 10:41:29 AM
In order to correct a problem with the upgrade that was applied to WyoCast this past weekend, IT will restart the WyoCast web services at 12:00 pm today, Monday, February 23rd. This will result in a temporary interruption of streaming presentations from the WyoCast system.
Information Technology apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please contact your departmental consultant, call the Help Desk at 766-HELP (4357), option 1, or send an email to the Help Desk ( if you have any questions.